Understanding Chronic Stress Health Effects in the Middle-Aged and Elderly

Cenching and Jaw Grinding

Many negative health effects can be caused by chronic stress. For instance, jaw grinding or grinding. TMJ dysfunction (temporomandibular joints) could result. The result could be difficulty chewing as well as pain. Also, long-term stresses can cause teeth become worn down and can cause gum disease.

Jaw grinding and clenching are usually signs of stress. Stress causes our bodies to tighten up which can result in clenching or grinding of the teeth. This can lead to TMJ disorders (a disease that causes irritation within joints of the jaw) and can cause serious problems. The condition can trigger tension in the neck, headaches and earaches. If you think you may grind or clench your teeth, you need to consult your dentist or physician to help you find ways to relax your jaw to ease pain. It’s also possible consult a throat specialist.

Stress from chronic stress may also cause other effects on our oral overall health. It can cause wearing of our teeth and gum disease. Gum disease is an infection of the gum tissues that can lead to swelling, redness and bleeding. It could cause harm to gums, bone and teeth.

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